Customized solution driven approach

The design of every project is customized to the contours of the need from which it arises. We are solution driven in our approaches. We use multiple qualitative and quantitative research methods to converge at solutions to strategic issues and questions.

consumer insight culture understanding


Consumer Insight & Culture understanding

We strongly believe in the importance of culture and context in leading to insight. Many of our studies include modules leading to cultural insight- including Ethnography and Semiotics, also engaging with cultural experts for depth and nuance.
This module involves understanding of consumer behaviour, habits, beliefs, environment, influencers, roles at family and social levels, etc.


Product Innovation, Evolution, User Experience

We work closely with product R&D to help evolve products from the stage of ideation and need gap understanding, to fleshing out the contours of the product, and taking it to testing and ultimately to the market. We undertake UXUI studies in developing online offerings.
These studies encapsulate insights around product / proposition applicability, uniqueness, relevance, attractiveness, price – value comparison, aesthetics, ergonomics, overall likability, etc.

Product Innovation and Evolutions
human resources


Human Resource & Corporate Culture

We undertake studies involving corporate culture, employee satisfaction, employee turnover diagnostics and internal company image which we can track on a regular basis to ensure happy and productive workplaces.
This study area covers research on internal and external perception around factors such as work – life balance, career growth, remuneration, employee welfare policies and initiatives, future opportunities, learning, honesty, management quality, performance evaluation methods, etc.


Brand Equity, Positioning & Tracking

Arrive at the core equity of your brands through an analysis of rational and emotional perspectives from consumers. Our Brand Equity frameworks enable you not just to understand brand equity at a point in time, but also track its movement over a period of time, across geographies.
These studies focus on analysis of changes and opportunities around a brand’s perception, segments and positioning in the Target Groups’ minds. These factors are evaluated at different points of a brand’s life cycle using one time and monthly tracking methods

brand equity
shoppers journeys


Shopper Journeys

Our specialised methods allow you to trace the consumer journey from the moment the thought of buying is triggered to purchase and post purchase, assessing the importance of different touchpoints, identifying the key moments of truth and Nudges that can make all the difference to your sales.
These journeys revolve around examination of the entirety or parts of a consumer’s purchase journey from need identification to post purchase experience through methods such as discussions, interviews and ethnography


Communication Evolution & Testing

How well is your communication working with your consumers? What sort of messaging will be most effective for your brand? Our methods help you develop and evaluate communication through qualitative and quantitative methods and track these on a regular basis.
Such type of studies sphere around the inspection of communication concepts in ‘rough’ or ‘finished’ format on various factors like connect, message understanding, likability, uniqueness, etc., to gauge the acceptability and excitement levels along with improvement suggestions for better performance.

communication evolution


Rural Research

Extensive work has been done amongst men and women at a village level. A different approach has been evolved including different socio economic definitions and specialized projective techniques and workshops for rural consumers.

Types of Studies

Our Study Methodologies

Exploring Effective Research Approaches


Creative / Developmental
  • Idealization for new products / needs.
  • Concept development / modification
    (product / communication).
  • Pack development.
  • Co creation.
  • Branding / brand name development.
  • Brand Architecture.


  • Consumer understanding, attitudes,Trends.
  • Ethnography.
  • Category explorations.
  • Culture explorations.
  • Need / latent need and gap
  • Opportunity mapping.
  • Concept development
    (products, communication).
  • Semiotics.


Definitive / Behavioral
  • Habits and practices.
  • Usage and attitude.


  • 360 Degree Brand Diagnostics.
  • Concept / product / communication pre/post testing.
  • Packaging evaluation.
  • Brand equity, Brand architecture,
    Brand extensions.
  • Corporate Culture.